Privacy Policy


We are interested in distributing useful information to you about plant-based eating. We are not interested in collecting, storing, sharing, or selling personal information about you. Consequently...


During basic use of this website, we don’t collect any personally-identifiable information about you, and therefore there is no such information for us to store, share, or sell.


If you choose the option to sort results by proximity to your current location, your device’s browser will alert you that this website would like to use your current location. If you allow the website to use your current location, we’ll use that information in order to sort your results. That location may also appear in server log files, as described further below.


If, through a contact form or email, you send us feedback or questions that include any personally-identifiable information, we will never share or sell that information with anyone.


Following standard practice, this website uses server log files to learn how users are accessing the website, without capturing any personally-identifiable information. Log files capture the type of web browser software, the internet protocol (IP) address, the Internet Service Provider (ISP), the pages visited, the websites that directed users to this website, the number of clicks, and any error messages experienced on the website. If you choose the option to sort results by proximity to your location (as described previously), that location information may also appear in server log files. The information captured in server logs can be aggregated to discover trends in the way the website is being used, how users are navigating through the website, the pages that are being used most and least frequently, and the geographical locations from which this website is being accessed most and least frequently—all of which may provide insights that may be helpful in our effort to improve user experience on the website.